I Dare You – Book Tag

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I’m back with another tag. I’ve been loving these lately, they are so much fun to do and it’s always interesting to see the responses they get! I was tagged for the I Dare You tag by the lovely Louise of Book Murmuration.


  • You must be honest
  • You can’t not answer a question
  • You have to tag at least four people


The Questions!

1. Which book has been on your shelf longest?

I’m not sure if this means book I’ve owned the longest that I have or haven’t read so I’m going for the books I have! My Famous Five books are probably the books that I’ve owned the longest as I had them when I was so young. I loved going on adventures with the gang!

2. What is your current read, last read and the book you’ll read next?

Becoming Betty  We Come Apart  Stargazing For Beginners  The Upside of Unrequited

Current read – Becoming Betty by Eleanor Wood. I’m hoping to finish it tonight, it’s good so far.

Last read – We Come Apart by Sarah Crossan and Brian Conaghan

Next read – Stargazing for Beginners by Jenny McLachlan or The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli

3. What book(s) did everyone like but you hated?

Carry On

I wouldn’t say that I hated it but it tends to be an unpopular opinion when I say that I didn’t particularly enjoy Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. I am a big fan of her other books but I just didn’t click with Carry On you can find out why here.

4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?

The Catcher in the Rye

There are a few ‘classics’ on my TBR that I’m not sure if I’ll ever actually read but there we go! One of those is the classic The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. I have a copy but I’ve seen a mixture of reviews and just can’t decide if I’ll pick it up, at least not any time soon.

5. Which book are you saving ‘for retirement’?

Les Misérables  War and Peace

Some of those ridiculously long classics like Les Miserables and War and Peace. Have you seen the size of them? I will need full reading days to get near those!

6. Last page: read it first or wait until the end?

Always wait until the end! The only thing I sometimes read before starting a book are the acknowledgements. I LOVE reading author acknowledgements.

7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?

See above (can you tell I didn’t look at the questions in advance?). I LOVE reading them!! I particularly love seeing the names of other authors or people I know in them.

8. Which book character would you change places with?

Oooh, very interesting question. I could answer this in so many ways but I’m going to stick with my gut and say Hermione because she’s Hermione.

9. Do you have a book which reminds you of something specific in your life?

Wing Jones

Wing Jones by Katherine Webber. You’ll see this on my blog A LOT but this book just means so much to me. As well as it helping me to meet some of my favourite bookish people, it also approaches a theme that is close to my heart. I wrote a whole post about what this book means to me, you can find it here.

10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.

We Come Apart

We Come Apart by Sarah Crossan and Brian Conaghan. Me and some of my bookish besties have been sending this around to read and make notes in. That’s super special!

11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?

I quite regularly give away books that I have duplicates of or have no need for any longer. I also love sending books to my favourite bookish people just to surprise them 🙂

12. Which book has been with you to the most places?

Wing Jones  The Girl of Ink and Stars

It’s a tie between Wing Jones and The Girl of Ink and StarsWing Jones has been on the most different adventures with me but The Girl of Ink and Stars came with me to New York so it’s definitely been the furthest!

13. Any ‘required reading’ you hated in school, which wasn’t so bad two years later?


Yes!! When I got to A level I just didn’t find that my English teacher was very inspiring/enthusiastic and I reluctantly DNFd Emma by Jane Austen because of it. Luckily I read enough to get an A in my exam though! I’ve since read it again and enjoyed it much more!

14. What is the strangest item you have found in a book?

I’m not sure I have anything strange I’ve found in a book, probably just someone’s receipt or something.

15. Used or brand new?

I generally buy new books but I love a good browse and buy in Oxfam bookshops and have found some wonderful gems there!

16. Have you ever read a Dan Brown?

Angels & Demons  (Robert Langdon, #1)

Yes, I read Angels and Demons many moons ago!

17. Have you ever seen a film you liked better than a book?

Oooh yes! I much preferred the film of The DUFF than I did the book. As a rule I tend to read books before seeing the film but there are some exceptions to this rule!

18. A book that NEVER should have been published?

I think this is a difficult question because even books I don’t like may have been loved or helpful to others. I also think that sometimes when bad books are published it is a learning curve for all involved, including readers in the community.

19. Have you ever read a book that has made you hungry, cookbooks being the exception?


Yes! I was constantly hungry whilst I read Heartless by Marissa Meyer because there were so many sweet treats described all the time!

20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?

My bookish besties: Steph, Rachel, Rosie, Cora and Aoife always have excellent recommendations! I also love to get recommendations from authors such as Katie Webber who has similar tastes to me!

My nominations:

And anyone else who may fancy this one!


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin’ or Goodreads. Comments are always warmly welcome.

12 responses to “I Dare You – Book Tag

  1. Pingback: [TAG] In Which I’m Dared…To Talk About Books (The “I Dare You!” Book Tag) | The Well-Thumbed Reader·

  2. Pingback: Sunday Summary 14.05.2017 | Kelly's Rambles·

  3. Pingback: Tag Thursday: I Dare You book tag – Liliana N Bookish Blog·

  4. Haha! I love this tag. Your answers are amazing. All those super long classics? Heck yes, I’m saving them for retirement! I get exhausted just thinking about their page count! You are brave for wanting to switch places with Hermione. I mean, (spoiler alert) she lives (/spoiler), but she DEFINITELY could have died. And, I haven’t read Heartless, but everyone says the same thing about the sweets! I must check it out just for that alone. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooh, thanks so much for the tag! I”ve been seeing this around a lot, and it looks like fun! Also, you tagged me twice in the post, but I’m guessing you didn’t mean to! XD

    Liked by 1 person

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