Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

Firstly a big thank you to the lovely Nadwa @Painfully Fictional for nominating me. Her blog is wonderful so you should definitely go and check it out if you don’t already follow her!


  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write then 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Nadwa’s Questions…

1. Most owned author?

J.K Rowling, 100%.

2. If you re-read books what books are your most reread? If you don’t re-read books, what book would you want to re-read if you could?

I pretty much read the Harry Potter series every year! I also would love to reread the Six of Crows duology at some point and I’m happy that Goodreads finally added a reread option!!

3. What book would you recommend to your younger self?

Great question! I think in general I would just tell myself to read a wider selection of YA books because I would have a learnt a lot from them.

4. Favourite animation movie?

This is not a question I can easily answer, so I just have to say everything Disney!

5. Your most anticipated book release this year?

Well it was Caraval but next up is A Conjuring of Light!! I cannot wait for it!

6. Favourite book format?

I use all formats but paperbacks are probably my favourite for ease of reading, or eBooks. I love hard backs but they are more difficult to read from whilst all cosied up.

7. What is your favourite TV show?

You’ve come to the wrong girl for this one! I watch something stupid like over 20 shows and I love them. Some top faves are House MD, Downton Abbey, Veep, Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal etc.

8. Your favourite ship/otp?

Are we talking bookish? If so then I will ship Kaz and Inej until the end of my time.

9. What do you usually do if you’re not reading?

If I’m not reading then I’m usually working, or watching TV/movies.

10. 2017 reading goal?

100 books and I’m currently at 16 so it’s going well!

My nominations…

Aoife @ Pretty Purple Polka Dots

Rosie @ Rosie Freckle Reads

Jackie @ Death by Tsundoku

Amanda @ Cover2Cover Mom

Mikaela @ The Well Thumbed Reader

Emily @ Keys and Open Mind

Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess

Allie @ The Book Cover Judge

And anyone else who fancies it!

My Questions…

  1. If you had to pick three books to read for the rest of your life, what would they be?
  2. Best movie you have seen in the cinema recently?
  3. Favourite television series?
  4. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
  5. Paperbacks, hard covers or ebooks?
  6. What fictional character has had the biggest impact on you?
  7. What is your most anticipated film release of 2017?
  8. What book has been on your tbr the longest? Why is that?
  9. Are there any books you are fearful of reading?
  10. What is the most recent book your purchased?
  11. Favourite comfort food?


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin’ or Goodreads. Comments are always warmly welcome.

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